Monday, January 08, 2007

New Revelation or old school

You know what? I did not make it to the gym today despite my best intentions. Best intentions because I did carry my fully packed gym bag to work but there it stayed on my floor until it was time for me to come home. I did think about exercising though and I have also read in a few fitness magazines that just thinking about exercising and giving thought to it makes your muscles work somewhat. So I guess it was not really a workout free day at all. But see here is the thing. I have now been going to the gym on and off, more often than not actually, for over 2 months and what have I learnt or rather what I have come to accept is there are no real rewards without tummy exercises no matter how much you hate them. And hate them I do because somehow in my mind I have come to accept that they the most boring form of exercise. But then you also have to do them if you want some results because without those you fail to see your real gains, So I am trying hard to convince myself that I have to somehow do some stomach exercises to target my core. I am still looking for inspiration.

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