Saturday, January 06, 2007

Living it up on Saturday- my style

Wow! two days in a row.. see I said I will try to be more regular. So today is Saturday, the much awaited first day of the weekend and yeah the first weekend of the year. I celebrated it by going to the gym early morning, working out and then finishing it off with a run.
My workout today consisted of 10 minutes on the rower for warm-up followed by an hour of total body workout and then a tempo run of 20 minutes. It was good and I can say I am satisfied with my exercise for the day. Now I just have to try and keep this up. I did do a bit of a screw-up though because I ate a pizza for lunch. I know, not the best thing to do, but I just could not resist plus I did miss out on breakfast this morning though it is no excuse I must admit.

Have I said how good it feels to fit into my old clothes again, well not all but I can actually fit into some of them now, some of them from at least 5 years ago. No, no they are not old, in fact they still look like brand new. Most of them I have not worn that much really and they are classic pieces so they have not gone out of fashin either. Lucky me!

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