Friday, January 05, 2007

New Heights

So guess what? Christmas came and went and so did the start to the New Year. Yes, I have been bad and have not been here in ages but believe me I have thought about updating it for a while. So what happened?Christmas was lovely to say the least but the highlight was not the 5 kilo turkey I managed to stuff and roast successfully much to my own delight and that of the guests, nor the great Apple pie or the mud cake which I made for desert. No No, if you think I was being a pig just because it was christmas you are very wrong. And if you also happen to my beau you would know why we had to settle both for apple pie and mud cake and see some of us are lucky when it comes to those nasty fat cells and he is one of them. Packed full of muscle and no matter what he eats he does not puff like a puff pastry.

Anyway, enough of that and that was not even what I was trying to get at. The most wonderful thing happened to me on christmas.. my very own Santa.. lets call him "A" put a myterious gift under the tree for me and guess what it was? It was an ipon nano complete with an arm band. Now see I am not the biggest fan of Apple or Steve jobs but I do have a weakness for funky looking gadgets and this was one of them. The best thing though was that I could now run with it, safe, not having to worry about when my arm was gonna pull out the ear phone with my swinging arms.

So here's what happened. A put some running tracks on my nano for me from my old ipod and I was very excited about hitting the gym in the newfound gear. I was so excited that I also treated myself to a cool pair of baby blue weight gloves from Nike and then I was ready to rock and roll. You have to believe me when I say that the nano took my running to a new height. For once, I did not care about the rest of the world, the gym or the machines or even how fast I was running. It was amazing, amazing amazing. Just me and my music and it was total ecstasy and I loved it. So now since then I have had 3 beautiful runs with my new baby and then the flu hit me and I have been laying low for a while.

Well, gotta go now. Lookout for my next update. I promise it will be soon.

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