Thursday, September 07, 2006

Precious legs of mine!

Ok, after countless matches of bandminton and getting my heart rate to burn some serious calories, I figured it was time for a run! A good old run and a long one at that too. So I got prepared, religiously-- ate the right food at the right time so that I would have enough energy and even brough along my ipod. The one thing I did do differently on this run was that I changed my shoes... from my usual Nike Shox to a Reebok I had bought here in Sri Lanka about an year ago.

Anyway, so I leave work early to go on this run and start warming up and I started to feel this pain right away, on both legs mind you and on both foots at the same time. My first reaction? Must have been how I tied the shoe laces and I figured that I could run one whole round around the square (I normally run around a public square these days for a variety of reasons but we can talk about that later). So I did one round, sat down and loosened my laces and got back up and into running some more again. But instead of getting any better, the pain just worsened and travelled right up to my calves where it stayed on my precious legs, throbbing and hurting till I could take it no more and had to completely give up on my run after about 15 minutes. I can tell you it was the one most painful run I have had in my whole life. Even the half marathon I completed in just under 2 hours 2 years back did not even come close in terms of pain. So I stopped and tried to walk and found it impossible to do so.. but I somehow managed to get to my car, opened the door and sat down and the throbbing still continued... finally I took the shoes off and rested sitting there because I did not trust myself to drive.

Finally when the pain started to go away, I left, with my head hanging between my legs reminiscing about my foiled run and what could have gone wrong. When I reached home, right after I said hello to my fiance' I hobbled upstairs to the computer and googled the pain.. yes google.. my saviour on a number of occasions.. though I could not pin point the source of the pain, I am assuming it to be either my shoes, or maybe all the badminton had made my calf grow too big too soon or running on concrete.. whatever it is.. it was painful beyond words, but no I am not willing to give up! And will be on the way to a run again soon, but today once more its back to badminton!

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