Lousy is the word
Having a bit of a lousy day today, just when I was planning a nice long run after my 45 minute stint at Badminton yesterday. You know, I used to think only "the wuss" played badminton, that it was not active enough for me, but having started playing it about 2 weeks ago, I realise it's a lot of fun and a fun way to keep active. So that was where I was running off to yesterday, to have a Badminton game. I don't think I will do any running today, unfortunately... I really think I should be taking it easy and lying down.. so that's the day's plan. I woke up tired, with every joint in my body achy and a sore throat and no it is not the Badminton from yesterday because it was not the first time.
Also I was feeling good last night and even made it through the movie "An Unfinished Line". It was kind'a cute and a nice little movie and I managed to sit up and watch it without dozing off on the couch which happens more often that not, when I am sitting around on the couch after a long day of work and exercise.
Until next time, ciao! But this is a set-back, even though small, on my running map.
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